
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "Legends of the Realm"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "The Sword of Flames"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "Born to be Legendary"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "The Call to Adventure"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "Cloud Nine"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "The Lost Spell"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "Tales of the Ancients"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "Dear Diary"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "Enchanted Quest"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "The Staff of Legends"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "Lime Time"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "The lonely Wizard"
The downloadable mp3 file for my Youtube Project "Queen Bee"
My Songs created with Suno AI
An ongoing set of pixelart houses for RPGs
A toolkit for the RPGMaker providing some tweaks and fixes
Adjust the X/Y coords and more of an events' image by adding X/Y indents
Handle event interactions based on a controllable hit-box.

Supported by Yossaya