Filters Tutorial
The filter implementations used in this version have been included to work with this plugin. The libraries used are the original PIXI.filters and the more advanced PIXIJS filters. The notation for the filters is held fully optional and doesn't have a special place in the queue of parameters. Also it is possible to apply more than one filter to the events' image, so don't be scared to combine several with each other.
In the following sections I explain the implementation of each filter yet included:
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: blackAndWhite
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff black_and_white>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: brightness
Filter parameters:
- Brightness value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0. 0 is black)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff brightness:0.7>. Note that there is no space character (" ") in the filter notation (brightness:0.7), which is crucial since it's counted as one parameter.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: browni
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff browni>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: colorTone
Filter parameters:
- Desaturation value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0), default: 0.2
- Toned value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0), default: 0.15
- lightColor (Hex-Color-Value), default: 0xFFE580
- darkColor (Hex-Color-Value), default: 0x338000
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff color_tone:0.8;0.2;0xbababa;0x222222>. Note that the different parameters got separated by a semicolon (";") and that there are no empty spaces in the filter notation ( color_tone:0.8;0.2;0xbababa;0x222222 ), which is crucial to be seen as only one parameter.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: contrast
Filter parameters:
- Amount value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff contrast:0.7>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: desaturate
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff desaturate>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: greyscale
Filter parameters:
- Scale value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff greyscale:0.7>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: hue
Filter parameters:
- Rotation value (integer number in degrees)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff hue:90>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: kodachrome
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff kodachrome>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: lsd
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff lsd>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: negative
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff negative>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: night
Filter parameters:
- Intensity value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff night:0.8>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: polaroid
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff polaroid>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: predator
Filter parameters:
- Amount value (integer number)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff predator:5>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: saturate
Filter parameters:
- Amount value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff saturate:0.9>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: sepia
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff sepia>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: technicolor
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff technicolor>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: toBGR
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff to_bgr>.
Filters :: ColorMatrixFilter :: vintage
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff vintage>.
Filters :: BlurFilter
Filter parameters:
- Strength value (integer number), default: 8
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff blur:1>.
Filters :: GlowFilter
Filter parameters:
- Distance value (integer number), default: 10
- Outer strength value (integer number), default 4
- Inner strength value (integer number), default 0
- Color value (Hex-Color-Value), default 0xffffff
- Quality value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0)
- Knockout value (boolean)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff glow>.
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff glow:10;4;0;0xff0000>.
Filters :: DropShadowFilter
Filter parameters:
- Rotation value (integer number in degrees), default: 45
- Distance value (integer number), default: 5
- Color value (Hex-Color-Value), default: 0x000000 (black)
- Alpha value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0), default: 0.5
- Blur value (decimal number), default: 2.0
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff drop-shadow>.
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff drop_shadow:90;10;0xff0000;0.3;1.0>.
Filters :: BloomFilter
Filter parameters:
- Blur value (integer value), default: 2
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff bloom>.
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff bloom:5>.
Filters :: BevelFilter
Filter parameters:
- Rotation value (integer value in degrees), default: 45
- Thickness value (decimal number), default: 2
- LightColor value (Hex-Color-Value), default: 0xffffff (white)
- LightAlpha value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0), default: 0.7
- ShadowColor value (Hex-Color-Value), default: 0x000000 (black)
- ShadowAlpha value (decimal number, 0.0 - 1.0), default: 0.7
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff bevel>.
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff bevel:90;5;0x00FF00;0.9;0x0000FF;0.9>.
Filters :: OutlineFilter
Filter parameters:
- Thickness value (integer value), default: 1
- Color value (Hex-Color-Value), default: 0x000000 (black)
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff outline>.
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff outline:1;0xff0000>.
Filters :: PixelateFilter
Filter parameters:
- Size value (integer value), default: 10
Use this syntax to apply the filter:
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff pixelate>.
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff pixelate:20>.
Filter Experiments
In the following examples I want to test some combinations of filters. Theoretically all of the filters above can be combined, but that maybe won’t result in a good result in the end.
Greyscale Filter with a red outline
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff greyscale:0.7 outline:2;0xff0000>.
Predator filter with toBGR filter combined
The full notation in use here: <ADJ: 0 0 0 1 0xffffff predator:5 to_bgr>.
Feel free to test other combinations as well and have fun with this update to the ADJ-Plugin.
Get Yossayas ADJ RPGMaker MZ/MV Plugin
Yossayas ADJ RPGMaker MZ/MV Plugin
Adjust the X/Y coords and more of an events' image by adding X/Y indents
Status | Released |
Category | Tool |
Author | Yossaya |
Tags | JRPG, mz, plugin, RPG Maker, rpgmaker-mv, RPG Maker MZ |
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